
*以下資料更新於2014/01/28。The information is updated on 28/01/2014.English is also available at the end.


1. 直接認為我們是中國人。這個原因佔大多數。

2. 認為我們與其他已開發國家相同,直接給簽。





1. 2張大頭照。

2. 邀請函號。(僅適用於陸地過境旅客)

3. 申請表,於大使館取得。

4. 30歐元。(因各國國籍而有異。)



1. 待邀請函號取得後,致電至伊朗大使館詢問是否已收到邀請函。

2. 確定大使館收到邀請函後,直接前往位於喀布爾市中心南方的伊朗大使館。

3. 進入大使館不得攜帶手機和隨身包包,如有攜帶則需到距離入口處100公尺遠的寄放處(免費)。持外國護照的外國人可和警衛出示護照,不用排隊直接進入大使館。

4. 向櫃檯人員取得申請表,填寫完後繳交,並附上兩張大頭照。

5. 辦事人員會確認邀請函已抵達大使館後,開立簽證帳單,持帳單到指定銀行付款後,拿著收據和申請表再回到大使館。辦事人員會告訴你於指定時間回來領取簽證,通常時間不會超過一天。



1. 取得伊朗邀請函號是有風險的,第一是伊朗辦事處有約5%的機率會拒絕申請,但是被拒絕申請的國籍和工作性質都各有不同,很難判斷判別依據;第二是你必須透過旅行社申請邀請函號,但!旅行社通常會告訴你等待7-10個工作天,卻沒有告訴你:

a. 伊斯蘭國家的休息日是星期四和五。

b. 其實他們也不確定能否在7-10個工作天之內給你函號,因為伊朗辦事處的工作效率時好時壞。




2. 確認風險以後,你還必須向旅行社確定你會在哪個大使館取簽證,這點就依賴個人的旅行計畫而定。

3. 駐阿富汗的伊朗大使館的辦事人員很親切,英文溝通良好無障礙。

4. 駐阿富汗大使館每天都有很多的阿富汗公民在排隊,請謹記,不用排隊不是你的權益,只是大使館會願意給國外旅客方便而已。


*Before planning to Iran,please check if you need to get reference number in advance for overland.For some countries,the reference number is not necessary but things are different in each embassies.



1. 2 passport photos.

2. Reference number.(Only for the travelers who wants to do border-crossing)

3. Application Form.(From embassy)

4. 30 Euro.(This differs from countries to countries.)



1. After receiving the confirm email from your travel agency,you have to make a phone call to check if the embassy you requested for picking up the visa gets the invitation letter.

2. If yes,directly go to the embassy.Remember,there's no way you could bring mobiles and bags.If you do have them on you,go to the baggage deposit outside the embassy about 100 meters away.(On the same side.)

3. Show your passport to the guards and you could get in immediately.No necessary to get in queue.

4. Fill up the application and hand in 2 passport photos.

5. Once they're sure that the invitation letter is received,they'll give you a bank bill.Take the bill to the specified bank to pay the charge of the visa.Then,take the receipt back to embassy.

6. The staff will tell you when to go back to take visa.It's normally less than 24 hours.



1. There are 5% of chance that you could be denied by MFA in Iran.According to the reports,there seems no clues of whom might get denied.

2. You need a travel agency who is dealing with the reference number and most of the time,they'll tell you after filling up the application,you might need to wait 7 - 10 working days.But what they didn't tell you:

a. That in Islamic countries,their holidays are Thursday and Friday.

b. That actually they don't know for sure if you could get the number in 7 - 10 working days because the efficiency of MFA of Iran is hard to expect.

So,before you go,you could get the processes going as soon as you can.The reasons is that there are 3 months duration for your Iranian visa,that is,you could choose any date to get into Iran as long as during the duration dates.On the day you pick up the visa,the same day your visa is effective.If you need to postpone the effective date,you should notify the staff before they start the process.


2. You also have to decide which embassy you want to pick up the visa when you fill the application to the travel agency.

3. The staff in Iranian Embassy in Afghanistan could speak English and with manners.

4. There's always a long line before the embassy everyday.Please do not take it as granted.



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